Be a Swirl shopper!


Hi, I am mom and I love to shop!

Whew, there I said it.  Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest, I’d like to share my newest fun find for aiding my shopping charades!

I love fashion and everything that goes with it, but I admit that my champagne taste could get out of control if I didn’t keep a leash on the beast!  So, to sate my desire for all things fashion, I shop and browse for Optimus and my troops- after all, my husband needs a solid wardrobe, and three kids are always growing, so how can it be avoided?!

In all of that shopping for them, I don’t always have time to shop for myself: BUT, now there is something to help me with it!

Consider it pinterest for fashion lovers!  Meet SWIRL.

A handy app that acts as personal shopper that keeps track of pieces of clothing or whole outfits that you love, it allows you to follow your favorite stores and designers, and keep you updated on sales that are happening at some of your favorite retailers, and locate your favorite styles.  I mean, what more could a fashion loving girl ask for!  Oh, and of course it’s FREE.

Like I’ve said before, I’m all about free.

Better than a best friend that drags you to racks and stores you have no interest in, download SWIRL today and make your phone (that is already a trusty sidekick) an amazing personal shopper superstar!

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